It was brought into life because of the lacking multiplayer functionality in the Grand Theft Auto series of games, and provides a completely new platform on-top of the original game, allowing for players to play all sorts and types of game-modes anywhere they want, and developers to develop using our very powerful scripting engine.
· Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP· 512MB RAM
· Clean installation of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, version 1.0 or 1.1 (American or European)· 3.7GB of free hard disk space (3.6GB for a minimum Grand Theft Auto installation)
· nVidia GeForce 4 series or ATI Radeon 8xxx series (64MB RAM and DirectX 9.0 compatible)
· DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card· Keyboard and mouse· Broadband internet access (for smooth online play)
What's New in This Release: Removed launcher serial verification due to third party serial number service shutdown· Removed deathmatch mod serial verification that caused failures on load/connect· Changed Multi Theft Auto community website to accommodate with verification changes
SA-MP 0.2X Released ::
A security-related update of SA-MP 0.2 is now available (SA-MP 0.2X). It is recommended that all SA-MP players and server owners update. The SA-MP 0.2.2 server list will be discontinued. SA-MP 0.2.2 clients cannot connect to 0.2X servers.This update includes fixes from 0.2.2 R3 client/server as well as the following:
- Fixed insecure handling of private messages.
- Fixed packet fragmentation/MTU issue.
- Various security updates to the netcode and connection logic.
- Security updates to the client binaries.
- Removed compression from the aiming vectors to improve accuracy.
- Added seconds to server logs and also shows raw incoming UDP connections.
- OnVehicleMod/OnVehiclePaintjob/OnVehicleRespray includes the origin playerid.
- Added OnPlayerUpdate, a callback fired for every player network update. This will help server-side anti-cheat.- Limited filterscripts to 16.The version of SA-MP previously being developed as 0.2.5 will become SA-MP 0.3 to avoid any confusion.
SA-MP 0.2.2 R3 Client Released ::
To address a recent security problem, we have released the SA-MP 0.2.2 R3 client. It is available on the Download Page. This is an optional update, although highly recommended. The SA-MP 0.2.2 R3 client works on all SA-MP 0.2.2 servers.Updates to the SA-MP 0.2.2 server are not required at this time.Apart from security updates, the 0.2.2 R3 client also fixes some crashes/bugs from previous versions. The following updates have been made:
- Removed all SAC code. This fixes a security vulnerability mentioned earlier.
- Fixed problem with clipboard text not copying externally.
- Fixed time/fog/lighting flickering when the passing of time is disabled.
- Fixed some vehicle audio problems (silent cars/planes/boats/helis).
- Fixed texture lag/streaming popups when many models were loaded.
- Fixed some car mod shop crashes.- Alternate siren for police vehicles is now synced.
- TextDraw code is completely rewritten. It now works in interiors and will disable with the scoreboard.
- Crashes caused by DestroyVehicle script are fixed.
- Imported some of the 0.2.5 vehicle surfing code.
- Added command /fpslimit to adjust the frame rate limiter. Valid /fpslimit values are 20-100.
Update on recent security concerns ::
The website and master server lists have been reopened. For now, the security situation appears normal. You can continue to use the SA-MP software if you wish and we’ll be releasing some further security updates within the next two weeks. We’ll also be monitoring the security situation and news will be posted here if there are any threats.Before this new 0.2.2 security update is made available, please adhere to the following recommendations:
* Only play on trusted servers.
* If anyone asks you to add auth.sa-mp.com or auth2.sa-mp.com to your windows ‘hosts’ file, ignore the request.
* If you notice the Internet and Official lists disappear again, please check this website for information.It has been decided that, although the actions of the former developer are damaging to the project, the responsibility for preventing something like this was my own. There should have been more strict criteria for allowing someone to enter the team and access the source code and encryption keys. Signed agreements should have also been in place. These will be part of the new rules for any SA-MP developer that has access to the source code.I apologize for any inconvenience caused during the downtime and hopefully this situation will be completely resolved after the next software update.Kind regards,KyeSA-MP Lead Developer
SA-MP code leak security update
A situation developed yesterday where part of the SA-MP client source code was posted online by a former SA-MP developer. This represented a potential security problem for SA-MP players and the SA-MP services were temporarily shut down to assess any potential threats.It was decided that the risk to the existing SA-MP client base was low, given that no private encryption keys had been leaked.The situation escalated today when we came under threat of more code being leaked if we tried to interfere with the distribution of the already leaked source, this lead to services being shut down again and an appeal for public assistance.We now have word from the former developer that he has deleted the source code he had access to and will not be involved in any further distribution of it.Thanks to all of the people who helped to de-escalate the situation and sent e-mails of support.We'll be monitoring the situation from here on and if there is any security risk to the SA-MP player base, we'll make attempts to minimize any damages that could result.Kind regards,KyeSA-MP Lead Programmer