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GTA Lan and Online - Windows Client 0.4 for GTA3 & VC

MTA is a multi-player mod for both GTA III and Vice City. Here are the main changes and additions: - synchronized time and weather - improved messaging system - Admin+ introduced - Killed By What messages. Example 'Jo killed billy (m60)' - server history in client - correct player position when exiting vehicles (no longer on the roof) - excessive ammo from dropped weapons fixed - speedometer added - improved anti-cheat - random serverside weather sync - ini bug fixed (no longer have to constantly reset game path) - auto reconnect on timeout option added These are the admin changes and additions: - Reset scores - select weather - reset money - ability to message player(s) - /slap (-20 hp on target player) - /motd (refreshes motd) - /me New Admin Abilities include: - shows players coords, health, vehicle and money In stunt mode, changes and additions include: - synchronized money on the scoreboard - Vehicles no longer fall thru the ground at initial spawn on slower pcs In deathmatch, changes and additions include: - new melee weapons - Katana, Cleaver and Machete - vastly improved weapon aim - new career - moved spawns - spaz removed - new cars / moved cars - Spectator mode - new skin for VCC (SWAT in place of Phil) Visit or for tech support and the latest news on Multi Theft Auto!

+-+-Grand theft Auto,+-+-GTA Lan and Online, +-+-GTA Multiplayer, +-+-GTA Vice City Lan, +-+-GTA 3 Lan,+-+-GTA Multi Theft Auto+-+-

The MTA Team is the team of developers that actively work on Multi Theft Auto. Since Multi Theft Auto is freeware software, developing is a voluntary job.
The MTA Team consists of developers from Europe as well as North-America that devote quite some spare time to bring you this cool piece of software.
