Opera 10

What's new in Opera 10
Opera Turbo for fast browsing on slow connections

Opera Turbo uses compression technology that provides significant improvements in browsing speeds over limited-bandwidth connections, for example, when using a crowded Wi-Fi in a cafe or browsing through your mobile phone while commuting.
New visual tabs and sleek design

Opera has always been the pioneer for how to deal with tabs in your browser. In Opera 10, we introduce a resizable tab bar. Drag the handle underneath the tabs to reveal thumbnails of your open Web pages. And, because great features should come in beautiful packages, designer Jon Hicks has created a whole new look for Opera 10.
Speed Dial your way

You asked for it! Customize your Speed Dial to fit your own needs. Click the Configure Speed Dial button and choose from 4 to 25 favorite Web sites for quick access every time you open a new tab. You can also add a custom background so that you feel right at home.
Web integration

If you use a Web mail service as your default mail client, you can tell Opera 10 to do the same. Clicking on e-mail addresses or “Send by Mail” in Opera will open the compose page from your Web mail service provider. The same is true with the Feed reader — you can now also add any RSS/atom feed into your favorite online feed reader from within Opera 10.
Resizable search field

Have a clearer view of what you are about to search by simply expanding the size of the search field — because many of life’s questions require more than two words of space.
40% faster engine and cutting-edge Web standards support

We optimized the new Opera Presto 2.2 engine in Opera 10 to be much faster on resource-intensive pages such as Gmail and Facebook. In addition, with an Acid3 100/100 score, Web Fonts support, RGBA/HSLA color and SVG improvements, Opera 10 is ready for the next generation of Web applications.
More new features in Opera 10
Inline spell checker
Write freely in your Facebook wall, blog, or Web mail. Opera 10 underlines any misspelled words, so you can express yourself without reservation. By using the popular Hunspell dictionary format, you will always have the most complete and updated list of all languages.
Opera 10 makes it easier than ever to stay up-to-date with the latest version. With auto-update you can choose to have completely automatic updates or to be notified when an update is ready for you install. As always with Opera, it is your choice.
E-mail your way
Opera Mail can now send rich text messages including inline images, styled text, links, and/or custom HTML. You can also choose to have messages deleted from your POP server after a preset number of days, so you can keep your Web space under control.
Automated Crash Reporting
Opera is designed to restart and recover all your tabs if a crash occurs. But now you can easily send us a crash report to help us continue to make Opera the most stable browser around.
Opera Dragonfly evolved
Our Web developer tools are now even better, allowing you to edit the DOM and inspect HTTP headers.
Many more features
Feed Preview
Preview a Feed by clicking on the feed icon, and you will see it in clean and efficient multiple-column layout. This makes it easier to see a feed’s content before subscribing to it — or even bookmarking it — and to view what's new in a page quickly, without distractions.
Opera Link
Opera Link lets you synchronize data of your choice online, or among different computers and devices. Sync your Speed Dial, Bookmarks, Custom Searches, History and Notes between your work and home computer; take your bookmarks with you on your phone. Learn more.
Quick Find
Have you ever forgotten the page where you found that great article or that perfect gift? When using Opera, the browser remembers not only the titles and addresses, but also the actual content of the Web pages you visit.
Opera Mail
Opera browser offers an e-mail client designed to optimize your daily e-mail-handling requirements. It is called Opera Mail, and it organizes, indexes and sorts your messages so that you can spend more time doing the real work. Best of all, it is built right into your browser.
Quick and customizable Web search
Get quick access to Google, eBay, Amazon and more with the search field in the upper right corner. Or, for even quicker searching, search directly in the address bar using built-in and customizable keywords. For example, type "w Opera" in the address bar to search for “Opera” with Wikipedia. You can also create your own Web search from any search field on the Internet, simply by right clicking on a search field and choosing “Create Search”.
Speed Dial
Typing addresses for sites you visit frequently is ineffective. Get your favorite Web page with just one click. Speed Dial is a set of visual bookmarks you see when you open a new tab, like a dashboard for your online life. To add a new page, simply click on an empty Speed Dial slot, and Opera will make suggestions based on browsing history and bookmarks.
Mouse gestures
With Opera you can navigate the Web with your mouse. A mouse gesture is performed while clicking and holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse in an easy pattern. Perform movements with the mouse to access well-known functions such as Back, Forward and Open New Tab. As with Opera's keyboard shortcuts, mouse gestures are fully customizable, so you can tailor them any way you want.
Download Manager with BitTorrent
Download files quicker with Opera. Opera starts downloading as soon as you've saved the file, so there's no wasted time. Pause and resume downloads with the push of a button, and choose multiple files to download simultaneously without any fuss. Opera also features built-in support for the social file distribution protocol, BitTorrent, which makes it easy to download Torrent files without the need for a separate application.
Tabs and sessions
Opera is very light on your computer, so it's possible to have many tabs open at once. Drag and drop tabs around to change their order, or get a preview pausing over them with your mouse. You can even save a session of tabs for later, making it easy to pick up where you left off.
Content blocking
Block images, pop-ups, and plug-ins you don't want . Right-click and choose "Block content" to selectively disable annoying elements. To make Web pages load faster, or to avoid offensive content, temporarily turn off images by pressing the image button. In Opera, smart pop-up blocking is turned on by default.
Zoom and Fit to width
Is it difficult to read the content on a page? Use Opera's Zoom button in the lower right corner to resize Web pages. If the page is too wide for your screen, simply hit "Fit to Width" and Opera will resize the Web page so you avoid horizontal scrolling.
Stay safe with new Fraud Protection and EV
Not all Web pages are what they say they are. In Opera, Fraud Protection is enabled by default, automatically detecting and warning you about fraudulent Web sites. Fraud Protection is powered with phishing information from Netcraft and PhishTank, and Malware protection from Haute Secure. Malware is malicious software hidden throughout the Web. In addition Opera support Extended Validation certificates (EV). This provides added assurance and trust for secure Web sites. Read more about Opera Security.
Customize your browser
Opera is easily customizable. Choose among hundreds of skins and setups, add or remove buttons, toolbars, or change the entire layout of the browser. It is easy to do … or undo.
Add a Widget to your life
Widgets are small Web applications (multimedia, news feeds, games and more) that make your desktop experience more fun and useful. Use the Widgets menu to discover new widgets and access your favorites. Visit widgets.opera.com to learn more.
Opera Software logo
Opera Software logo
Logos for display on Web pages and printed material in different resolutions.

- EPS format - Res. independent file (42kb)
RGB CMYK PMS - PNG format – Print res. (40kb)
- JPG format – Print res. (140kb)
- GIF format – Screen res. (2kb)
- SVG format – Res. independent file (8kb)
Logos for display on Web pages and printed material in different resolutions.
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