Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Vice City Stories is a video game fun. If you do not have a Sony PSP and you are a fan of Grand Theft Auto Series, you might want to pick up a PSP to play this game. Vice City Stories is a different main character. This time you'll play as Victor Vance. Vance is a frustrated with his career looking to make a little Strangely the boss Martinez who hooks him into making a little cash on the side through crime.
If you play and enjoy Grand Theft Auto Vice City, you have to love this game. Afterall, there's no place like home. Map is not identical with the first game but very similar. Some of the businesses you remember from the PS2 game has not been built but there are many and a slightly different way in some areas. There is also more time spent on the military base near the airport, as your first save house is Vic's barracks on base. For this game you start out on what is known as the second island. When driving along you hear the familiar message about the bridge closed. Road blocks block access to other islands, but you can access the Starfish Island from the beginning of the game.
The first mission is quite simple. The main character Vic can swim for a short time and the first mission he had to swim to shore and then deliver the package. Your next mission will visit to Phil Cassidy (a character from Grand Theft Auto Vice City), and helped him with some problem of some people.
Rockstar Games did not push the Grand Theft Auto series further with Vice City Stories, so do not look for many new features that do not appear in San Andreas, the latest game in the series. GTA Vice City Stories is basically a new adventure in a familiar atmosphere.
The game looks beautiful and quite cinematic on the PSP system. soundtrack is amazing with all the stations are returning and some new ones. Handling is awesome vehicle. I had some problems with targeting so far shot but I'm getting better with it. Play your game a lot left to rely on analog pad. On the PSP the pad is not raised off the system. This caused my mom to get sick a lot faster than it's ever done than when I play games on the PS2.
Overall, GTA Vice City Stories is anything that you like GTA Vice City in a portable system with a great soundtrack and a new storyline. I have absolutely no complaints with the game. I like the free roaming that GTA Vice City Stories is provided within a short time I wander to find the hidden body armor. I would say that this game is much better than Liberty City Stories, many of the improvements made. This game will provide you with hours of fun.
Price : Free Download
Date : 03-02-2012
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
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